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Showing posts from October, 2024

Aretha Franklin - Mary, Don't You Weep (Official Audio) Excerpt : BOOK OF ROME

THE fact that the "Civil Rights Movement" has proved to be just another ploy designed, planted and preserved by evildoers, is no reason for me to give up. Numberr one; "I know what I know". Yes! I'm BEAMING!!! OVER THE MOON! I know what I know! BEAMING!!! True, there are times when I remember much too clearly. "Gee-mo-neely-shelly!" "SHA ZITTTT". "I know there is a GAWD!" Sure, I can laugh now...but ..."If it hadn't been for GOD on my side!" LORD HAVE MERCY! I do have to laugh. I , (We) survived an ignorant imp, so deplorable, people want to pretend "you" are the problem. No! No! NO! My Color, my gender, even my dementia , can't make me erase the atrocities , that low slut for satan,  was able to make me suffer (in secret) for my entire  long life. i am not ASHAMED!!! If anyone should be ashamed, it is those silent backbiters.  Those that demand to keep mathy's despicable shit "private". Tho

Joy & Pain "If there be any Joy"

"If there be any J<3Y..." I'm pretty sure I tasted it a few times in this long, not too long, life. I do know that I'm clinging with all the hope,  and love I have in me, to remain "sane". I know harsh angry words stir up anger. I know all liars RAGE, crucify, indict, intimidate, bully, and cast you down when confronted. I know I do not want to be a Burden. I know that I am. I know my brain is fried. I know my low slutty, root working "mother",  and her flying monkeys,  did a job on me. However, today has actually been quite wonderful. How anybody can sit up under "dodo brown",  and call him potus, something honorable, is beyond me.  But, then I know that martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux preached, prayed, blessed, anointed and ruled for EVER. (That slut like not to ever died) To this very day , very few, if any, have a negative word to say about her. Why? Do people believe her bullshit about being Madame Watson? Or,

I'm Tore Down .... Not Quite!

It is incredible! (insert video of Hurston's Book) INCREDIBLE!!! World, do know that wo/man , Madame Watson/Rev Watson,  did blast my soul clean out of my body, assaulted me with that two-edged tongue of hers. "You'll be the ONE to betray me!"  Just like her stanking ass was Jesus,  and I was Judas. It was the other way around "Mongrel maggot"! Just like that orange turd, mathy was  not going to be corrected, stopped, hindered or known, period.   It was "Mother's Day" (2005). I remember vividly. I was wearing a pink , three piece linen suit. I was pretty fat that day, over two hundred and twenty pounds.  Every bit four foot eleven.  Was I ashamed, embarrassed? According to my "mother" I was a loser, due to my "complexion". It was always just too bad that I missed out on the "high yalla" gene. My LORD! My LORD! To this very day, Color Struck imps make me want to HOLLAR! My grandfather reminded us, everyday, "We

The New Birth - Wild Flower (Lyrics) Wild Flower Growing Wild

Growing and GLOWING!  Yes ! GOD you are truly AWESOME! There exists a wide space between my ears that holds the most precious memories of what should have been a near perfect childhood. Yes, my childhood innocents is married by some evil, demonic, sick, sadistic, incestuous filthy "parents".  So what? It worked in my favor. I am a phenomenal woman! I am a Truth Teller! I am BEAMING! I AM ON FIRE WITH THE HOLY GHOST !!!

Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf (Sing Along Songs) Excerpt from the Book Rome

Who is afraid of the predatory pathological, sadistic liar that practices Witchcraft on her own family, her own childreen? Who is still afraid of the sickest, cruelest, murderous, malignant narcisist, to ever slither far too long on this good Earth? All I know, is all I know. My birthER was not only a practicing voodoo priestess, s/he was sexually perverted! An Incestuous Pedophile,  that somehow manipulated my fellow victims into keeping her eighty-eight years of repeated atrocities,  a secret. "Ni, I'd take dat to my grave." I guess you would! STANKING SLUTTY ASS BABY RAPIST!  NOT Only did your murder your babies, you MURDERED my Granddaddy! "The only somebody to ever love me!" That slutty ass mathy jane  never  had any damn power! The slut was CRUEL! Period.  Who can 't scare the shit out of a three year old,  precocious toddler,  that spilled the beans on a stank, lying ass 'hoe? You beat , cussed , and cursed my WHOLE SOUL AND BODY  out of me you DE


BEAMING! "Sho'is!"  Saved and DELIVERED from a "Bottom Feeder", another heartless, fake ass, ignorant ass, predatory, pathological lying, envious, jealous, greedy,  sadistic, cruel, demon possessed, perverted imp! Picture me exhaling as I "Catch on", Grow and Glow. Yes, I'm GRATEFUL! Exhaling, shaking my head, finally realizing the cause of my "Madness". Yes, my "Madness". My inability to keep quiet, to "go along to get along". My flat refusal  to let imps rule over me, because of my skin color, my gender, and lack of status. While my so called "mother" did sharpen her two-edged tongue on me daily, IT backfired. I did develop a "Fuck You Bitch" attitude. I did fight fiercely for every scarp of anything I ever earned. Yes, I've had to blow my own horn, protect my creations , and integrity from people still claiming I'm too stupid, too broken, too Black, too opinionated. One day IT hit me, I d

Farther Up The Road "All I know, is all I know"

Over seventy-three years ago, a very common, un-teachable, un-coachable, sick, sadistic, ignorant, savage, brutal,  demon possessed slut, begrude-ingly gave birth to me. Claimed  I was "Too Black". WTF?  I  notice , I was never too Black for your common, nasty ass,  to enslave, rape, molest, brand, burn, crucify,  conjure, stalk, and lie on for sixty-two years. World, martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux (madame watson),  was indeed, by far,  HORROR UNLEASHED! That "T hang", that Entity,    "lived" eighty-seven years, eleven months, and twenty three days , a predatory PERVERT! Certainly more MONSTER than "mother", more PREDATOR than preacher, and this World is much better off with her gone. A greedy, envious, ignorant, racist, sadistic , malignant narccisist, just like don OLD! Wait...s/he was Proud, all to glad to serve satan at every opportunity s/he could, and s/he did. Raged, cussed, cursed, threatened,  and instantly became ex

James Brown - I Feel Good 1965 (Remastered) BEAMING!!!

DELIVERED!  BRAGGING AND BEAMING!!! Dear World, please know The HOLY SPIRIT not only delivered Me from the lowest, commonest, demon possessed SLUT to ever slither on this green Earth, lifted my Burdens, set this Captive FREE!  Yes, GOD you are AWESOME! Not only was that wo/man that birthed me EVIL, the stanking whore volunteered to serve satan. What a total, despicable POS! Actually worse that don OLD, at least he wanted his children rich. That stanking, maggot SLUT martha wanted all of us "broke as a joke", on our knees begging her common, lying, nasty, two-faced, "Root Working" ass,  for help. Well, I can see clearly now and FUCK YOU BITCH! I'm glad you're dead ! DEAD! DEAD! DEAD! Not only are you DEAD, your stanking ass is FLUNG!!! BEAMING!!!

Stevie Wonder - Yesterme Yesteryou Yesterday (ORIGINAL) "Scuze you!

If "Christianity" means supporting "White Power", the absolutely absurd idea that there exists a "GOD" that created all people of color to be servants! slaves, hewers of wood, drawers of water for all white men, Forever? Fuck You! The white man wrote the book! How fucking stupid can people volunteer to be?

Grover Washington, Jr. Mister Magic No, I am not a loser

For some reason evildoers have always stalked me. Blessing blocked, lied on me, been overly concerned with my "looks", my pigmentation. Born Black, "motherless", fatherless, I had to "hit the ground running".  The HOLY SPIRIT  always led me to the nearest Library, the likes of which "we" occupied , hiding out from that stanking breath, coal Black Pervert, mathy jane was reduced to marrying,  for his benefits. Plus mathy jane was such a known stank 'hoe, no decent man was ever going to marry or remain married,  to her, under any circumstances. Strangely, oddly, I am not mad, not one bit,  because the "What Ifs" hit me. Dear LORD, thank you! What if that low, immoral, psychotic,  color struck, sadistic, cruel , whore , had actually loved me? No, I am not a victim, nor have I ever tried to play one.  True, I am OLD, now. Simply worn out, spent, not lazy. Not trifling, scheming, or playing "head games".  I'm just Life-ing,

Tracy Chapman - Give Me One Reason (Official Music Video)World! May I have your attention!

Dear VWW(Very Wicked World); PLEASE KNOW THAT I AM A THRIVE-OR! No, no, no, I have never used my color, status , and  or "victimhood" to whine and cry.  I took my brutalization, incarceration, degradation, just like a natural MAN! No, no, no, my Victory can not be "poo-poo-ed". The LORD Jesus Christ has enabled me to feel AWESOME! OVER THE MOON! I know , what I know! Anyone that wants to label me a loser,  due to my pigmentation, is IGNORANT! No doubt a serial liar.

Miles Davis - So What (Official Audio) Why didmJesus tell us ...

Shun the very presence of evil?  GOD knows, if anyone knows, the evildoer is a pathological liar. "Their feet run to mischief." 'They' pride themselves in their brilliant ability to "Scramble Brains". They lie, "Gaslight", pretend, ...mostly they can not possibly care less. Yes! It is your skin! I RAGE!  How dare anyone falsely believe that skin color has any bearing on character! The only people that insist on honoring "Color", all have extremely LOW CHARACTER. I know I'm very old but, I'm not nearly as stupid as some horrid , color struck ignoramous, thinks I should be. My own "mother" was never more than a sick, sadistic, undiagnosed, untreated, nymphomaniac, demon possessed "Root Worker"! But, I'm the problem! I'm "too sensitive"! That stanky whore used to give us HOT SOAPY ENEMAS!  But, I'm the problem! That stanking SLUT tried to burn my beautiful face off, when I was three years old

Miles Davis - Mystery One thing...

you should know, acknowledge from the outset, people that benefit from that horrid,  racist system, shall never speak ill of it.   Why should they? It tantamount to biting the hand that feeds them. Yes, the victim shall always be blamed for resisting, telling, complaining. Here I am, seventy-three years old, a survivor of one of the worse , vile, repetillion humans,  to ever slither on this green Earth. You shall never hear of that dead stank 'hoe, martha jane walters hodges doster waston lamoureaux.  Not because they are ashamed ,  they AGREE!   The silent observers  do see you as something vile, "too black". It is true, they can not possibly care less. They just want you to hurry up, shut up and die. Yes! I'M BEAMING!!! I know that I have been  rescued! DELIVERED FROM A COMPLETE SUCCUBUS! Do I care that NO ONE cares? Of course! People playing stupid, and delivering all of the maggot excuses , certainly makes me glad that I've reached "OLD". The nerve o

Gone Too Far

"Gone too far, stayed too long."

Aretha Franklin - Chain of Fools (Official Lyric Video) COLOR HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH CHARACTER!!!

Don't mention my color ! Yes,  I'm proudly RAGING at the pure stupidity of such an assertion. Not only am I proudly raging, I am vigorously "OUTING" the lowest, commonest, most sadistic succubus that ever slithered on this green Earth. her name was martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux! HORROR UNLEASHED! Yet, s/he "pastored" for over fifty-five years!  mathy  jane was the epitome of evil, more don OLD than don OLD. Yes! I hate that BITCH! Damn demon possessed, stankin' ass PERVERT! Manipulative enough to preach and luxuriate in demonic, sick, sadistic acts, for her entire too long life. Thank You for delivering me HOLY SPIRIT! BEAMING!!!

Judge LOSES IT At Diddy For Smirking During Court Trial..

My LORD! My LORD! While I am not on his side, he is reaping. I do have two pertinent questions; #1 why isn't t Rump in the exact same prison? #2 How does one determine a "smirk"? Well, three questions, why is t Rump still loose?

Marvin Gaye Inner City Blues Make Me Wanna Holler Instrumental There is only one way to get rid ...

The Bible says endure to the end. How long? Over two thousand years ago a brown man was crucified for "our sins" "OUR SINS" !!! I was three years old when I was feed that enslaving "hogwash". What had I done ? Nothing, yet I was taught that I was a sinner. That I was TOO BLACK, I was a bastard, a total burden, unwanted.  Unwanted until the old slut got bored and needed someone to burn, brand, rape, torture or molest. Am I still angry, am I raging in between celebrating and praising GOD for removing that stain from this Earth. Yes , it is my fervent prayer that, that organge stain be removed soon. Growing and GLOWING!!!

Joy & Pain. "Life-ing is a Trip"

That's right; "Life-ing is a Trip". Ask me how I know. I AM A PROUD SURVIVOR OF THE MOST DESPIOCABLE, DISGUSTING WO/MAN TO EVER LIVE. I said "live" but, I mean slither. It is one horrible truth. I know what I know! Do I still fear her? Am I still that terrified three year old toddler,  that demon possessed sea hag, held down in the woods, beating , cussing and cursing? No, I'm still healing, growing and glowing. BEAMING!!!  Yes, I'm stillholding on to your unchanging hand LORD. Low ass, stanking ass, demon possessed, witchcraft practing, conjuring , martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureax , did EVERYTHING SICK, SADISTIC AND DISGUSTING . Things impossible. Did s/he get away? Am I hated, rebuffed, ridiculed, for knowing what I know? Am I still hated by all five of my brothers and their children and their children's children for refusing to take martha's sick secrets to grave with me, as s/he demanded? Well, I would rather be alone, in a


That's right! I will trust in the LORD until I die. If I sound undoctrinated, it is because I am. Well, it is not totally indoctrination because it is true. I Rachel Gwendolyn Doster put all my trust in The HOLY GHOST!  Always did and always will. I came into this World beautiful and brilliant, yet hated by my disgusting maggot of a birther. A true tormentor. A sneaky slut, still protected, still honored. No, I DON'T GET IT! Why are so many demon possessed, sick, sadistic predatory imps still being premitted to rule this World? How can I criticize and question this World for doing what it has always done quite successfully; PERPETUATE PAIN! The fact that my own mother was the most horrid, sick, sadistic creature to ever slither on the face of this Earth, can only mean people of color shall continue to be persecuted, enslaved, and eliminated. No, no one is coming to rescue us. We must endure to the end. "They" always called me "Too Black". Never too Black to

The Independents ~ Leaving Me 'OVA' HERE OVER MOON!!!"

No! I didn't waste one moment of my time watching that "Debate". Why? People of Color we are fucked, again! So what? Most of us are born fucked. We have to struggle through the Birth Cannel to be born. That's Life! It is called Life-ing.  If you are as fortunate as I am, you'll meet at least one good person to "set you right". I know I know! There is no way any human being is any lower, more common, untrustworthy, greedy, carnal, superstitious, envious and demon possessed than martha jane walters! Ever! Period! I have nothing else to say but, THANK YOU JESUS!!! DELIVERED!!! BEAMING!!!

EPIC THUNDER & RAIN *********EPIC*********

I am EPIC because IT is EPIC! While I, (We) , always yearned for our mother, or simply any "mother".  IT was not going to happen. World, that wo/man that changed her names, her aliases ,  more than that Shady Vulture, s/he was HORRID! So horrid, nasty, filthy, carnal, it was impossible to stop her. While we were deeply confused, we witnessed her collecting "Goofer Dust" from murdered men's graves,  as a small child. Move away just as soon as you can, was the solution given to me.  "When your head is in the Lion's mouth, you don't make any sudden moves"; was the advise taught to me by my Grandfather. We certainly faired better than my oldest brother. Dear LORD , help him. Be a comfort. He never had a chance. I apologize for my deep ignorance,  and blindness, as well. Not only were all six of us, ( that survived her bloody "coathangers"), TERRIFIED OF THAT WHORE ,  we were certainly NOT ever going  say shit! No! No! No! That stanking &#

LIVE Monologue: Hillbilly Energy vs. Minnesota Nice | Fact Checks & Mic ...Shall the Predatory pathological liars prevail?


John Lee Hooker feat. Van Morrison - Medley: Serves Me Right to Suffer/S... Just know...

We sing such sad songs of defeat. Why? satan is certainly no easy win. But, we don't have to give up so easily.   I know I'm tired. But, before I go, I have one more thing to say ,  that wo/man named martha jane walters,  was pure EVIL!!! The low , ignorant slut got involved in the occult, Witchcraft! (early in life)  Stayed there! Lived there! Dug murdered men's graves dry all around North Carolina. Delighted in Incest! Pedophilia! Group Sex! Anonymous sex, just generally freaking, lusting, controling, contaminating, spoiling, degrading, humiliating everyone s/he pretended to love. Why? There is no why, it was her choice! We all have Free Will. s/he chose to be manipulative, carnal, common, nasty, sadistic, lying and just putrid in general.  Yes World, the wo/man that birthed me was p diddy,  before p diddy. I am NOT ashamed! I am proud! I not only resisted that common maggot, I'M DELIVERED! Deliberately spreading fear. Deliberately creating the horrid , despicable sit

Freeloading 42 y/o Refuses To Leave Mom’s House And Finds Out

My LORD, My LORD! Thank you for helping me to understand how these evil, demon possessed predatory wo/men get their clutches into their off spring, their spawn,  and deliberately reduce them to dung. Wo/men like martha, don, etc are sadistic! Fake! Full of SHIT! They are Predatory. I'm praying for you man. Please leave. Know your Truth, Free yourself!

John Lee Hooker--Face to Face Growing and GLOWING!

Awesome! Growing and GLOWING! I shall never forget the terror in Chris' eyes! He was not only completely horrified, he was frozen, afraid to move. For hours and hours , we sat in the exact same spot! The place was some community recreation centerr in Hamlet, North Carolina. I was invited, mathy  always invited herself.  For some reason I felt more "unwelcome" than I ever had. I never knew how to fit in, half of the Dawkins seemed to love me.  The other half not ignored me but, the were quite snooty about it. One "first cousin" attended the college with me, passed me walking nearly everyday, never parted his lips. Did it bother me? Of course it did. Did I always pretend that I didn't care? Of course. Martha deliberately kept poor Chris "corned". The low closet whore/ordained pastor talked and talked, and talked. Hogged all the conversation. Did not dare  permit to move!  No, s/he didn't say anything threatening aloud. s/he was just mathy being m