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Showing posts from January, 2021

Marvin Gaye - What's Going On

Am I flabbergasted? In shock? Humbled? In awe or some combination of all? All I know, is all I know.  I know for nearly seventy years I have had to fight against, struggle, out think, out maneuver,  Evildoers! Some white, mostly Black! Why? Most people are fucking, lazy ass, lying ass, jealous, envious ass imps.  Perhaps I should say,  in my case. Perhaps I am "unlucky", snake bit.   Perhaps it was just my fate to be born into the clutches of a demon possessed whore.  A hue man slut so horrid , most  people would rather run from you, calling you a snitch, rather than dealing with wo/men, imps, vipers, too common to know. WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN you Christians , claim to love so much? Shutting me up, scorning me, is not the answer. Screaming; "Let it go!"; shall not work with me, not after what that sick, sick, sick, wo/man deliberately put the whole Walters family through. Not what that volunteer, Jezebel whore put me through. Laughing, clapping h...

Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk (Official Video) ft. Bruno Mars

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! No, not just another day, another AWESOME DAY! Dear LORD, I just dropped by to say Thank YOU! Only You LORD can save Me! Only your Truth can save me. It  has been nearly sixty-seven years of screaming into  deaf ears. I began telling, "snitching" (her words) on my "mother" around three or four years of age. Yes World, my "mother', my "Birth-ER" was a closet, sadistic, demon possessed , DIABOLICAL FREAK! Who? What kind of person, persons , derive sexual pleasure from exploding hot soapy water in  a tiny child's anus?   HOT SOAPY ENEMAS? MY MUTAHFUCKING MOTHER! World, my "mother", martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureax lived and died a SADISTIC SEXUAL FREAK!  Wait.... the low whore was "loved", admired, looked up too and followed by the members of Simon Temple African Methodist  Episcopal Zion Church!  Yes! A full fledged, demon possessed , pathological liar, an abomination to The HOLY G...

Teddy Pendergrass - When Somebody Loves You Back (1979)

LORD! I am exhaling! Humbled! "My LORD from Zion!" martha jane walters NEVER , not one day , not for one milisecond,  did "mathy jane" have one ounce of love for ANYONE! Including her pathological lying, sadistic, perverted, self hating "self". martha was lazy as a dog! martha,  the stanking ''hoe , would spend hours, days, weeks, months, designing, planning, plotting  schemes to enslave others. martha loved money, all money. s/he was just too lazy to earn it honestly. While peeling back this "Onion", trying to uncover all the Truth forbidden me,  for my entire life, I have surmized, speculated, mathy,  became a full fledged prostitute,  at age fourteen.  It seems mathy jane was invited to the big city of Detroit by one of her mother's relatives. Being so high yalla, "light bright and and damn near white", mathy was instantly recruited. The low slut loved it, "was  about that life",  because she loved money and s/h...

Frank Sinatra - My Way (Live At Madison Square Garden, New York City / 1...

I love this song. Ironically, strangely, through it all, I love my life.  To this very day, I rew ind my memory to some "Good Times". Marvelous times, I had no idea I would cherish forever, when I was 'living' them. When I was "Going through". Like the time, I let my narcissistic mother take me on a cruise.  Was I out of my mind? Was I that desperate for love? Was I actually that stupid, pathetic... or was I "rooted", just like s/he claimed? At any rate, aside from all the misery, name calling,ranking and deliberately embarrassing   me in front of my relatives, I had a few fabulous moments  that will last a lifetime.  Went out "alone", explored the island of Martinique, met the finest real Rastafarian I had ever seen It was magical! No sex, just Spiritual. I still have the picture. He must have perceived my stress because he gave me a hold Sack of weed. Weed that I ended up sharing with my "mother"! Too funny! Poor martha, that ...

Nat King Cole - Unforgettable

The year was 1982, I remember it clearly. I was upstairs, the top floor of Paul D. West Middle school, in East Point , Georgia.  I was a classroom teacher, certified in social studies, grades 8-12, a T-4 Certificate. In other words I was a "woke house nigga". Born into the evil clutches of the low slut.  I was on the phone with her (much too long).  Yes, World, I always knew my "mother" hated me. I NEVER trusted her.  True, I bowed to her will much too often , often, out of fear, out of the desire to please her,  s/he , planted in me.   World,  I was still trying to make the best out of a "Bad situation". My "Bad situation", being born to my "mother". More like my "Birth-ER", capture-ER, Cage-ER,  my own personal demon possessed VIPER! World, my own "mother" was SO WICKED, most people pretend that I'm lying when I "talk" about her. Of course , no one wants to know! "My LORD from Zion!" Just wh...

Bob Marley [One Love] MusicVideo

I am more than happy to admit satan  has stalked me for my entire life, Sixty-nine and one half Years!  So? "No weapon formed against me can ever prosper."  I learned to meanuver , to duck and dodge.  I learned when to "dip".  Accidentally married a solid, Bottom FAGGOT! Whew! Mercy! mathy deliberately rendering me incapable of intimacy , saved me from that "Little Richard" Faggot! Now, that slippery, cunning, conniving viper...s/he had to look in the mirror for Eighty-Eight years. That low 'hoe knew s/he was dispicable! s/he knew her low ass was DEMON POSSESSED!  Unbothered, apparently. The only thing that ever bothered martha jane walters , was exposure, the Truth. mathy would rage, bludgeon, brutalize, pistol whip, stab, scald, burn, brand , if you so much as hinted,  you could see through her bullshit.  The best we could ever do,  was sit up under this , "sanctified, low, closet, dike, slut" , every muthafuckin' Sunday! Why? Bitch! Ju...

THAT'S THE WAY I FEEL ABOUT 'CHA (Original Full-Length Album Version) - ...

Exhaling loudly but,  gentle . Rejoicing to the top of my lungs , in my private comfort.  Relieved , my greatest,  malignant  monster,  is finally gone (seven years). What a relief! While the wo/man,  that did in fact birth me , was horror unleashed, I reaped many Great  benefits. I do certainly thank The HOLY SPIRIT for saving me from that "Eighteen Wheeler" bearing down on me!   That common , slick, conniving , sadistic, jealous whore,  deliberately manipulated me into driving a car without any brakes , for over a year! Bitch laughed, (behind my back) , then had the fucking nerve to fume when my GRANDDADDY made that low 'hoe get my brakes fixed with His Money! Who, what, does that? Creatures! Cretins! Two legged vipers! Hue man Beings born common as bat shit! Flee them! Shun them! What ever you do, refuse to remain silent as these hue man maggots multiply! They multiply because they deliberately "cannibalize" their own "children". Yes, the ...

The Four Tops - It's The Same Old Song

Yes, it is the same old song, nothing is new to the lying dullard, the deeply disturbed color struck racist Trust No Wo/man! Trust No immoral, lascivious, "root working" , slutty whore,  that died Unrepentant , on purpose! Don't be fooled by the red snake eating the  blue snake,  in public view They have the same father DEMON POSSESSION! Hate Greed Jealousy Sloth Envy my so called "mother" pretended s/he always protected me from her common lovers and husbands, Lying Slut! I protected My Self! Bitch! How fucking dumb did you think I was? would remain? "Time changes all things!" Stupid Whore! The LORD Jesus Christ always protected Me from your sadistic, pathological lying, jealous, envious , sick, bi-polar, fucked up ass! Your twin failed! he is stupid and lazy just like your dead , color struck ass You KNEW Better! You always KNEW Better! Stanking, Lying 'HOE! You picked the wrong master NOW ROT!!! ***THE GWEN DOSTER DIARIES*** Wednesday, January 29...

Otis Redding - Security

Mercy! I said Mercy! Have Mercy on me Father! Have Mercy on all of us! That orange thang is "leaving the white house" today, Hurray! But, It is not over It can't be over,  because this is not the beginning It didn't begin with me or mine This horrid Diabolical Confusion , began with that first lie Some wo/man had triplets THREE DIFFERENT COLORS FUCK YOU LAZY LYING SWINE My own stank ass, lazy ass, lascivious, jealous ass, ignorant ass mother,  did the exact same thang FOR EIGHTY EIGHT MUTHAFUCKIN YEARS! WAIT! THE BITCH THE LOW LIFE  SLUT/HOE/SCUMMY BITCH PREACHED EVERY MUTHAFUCKING SUNDAY!! Now this orange , bitch ass, lying muthafucker,  that fucked his own dumb ass out of being president, tried to prove white is always right that his blonde hair, blue eyes and stolen money shall keep him on top... Dumb ass muthafucker! If you don't crawl away, slither away and fucking rot! Who told your dumb ass you could use GOD to destroy GOD's anointed? Well somebody told...

In the Upper Room

Yes, I'm in the Upper Room talking with  the LORD Yes, sometimes shaking, rocking back and forth , in a fetal position,  How can I not? Born into the evil demonic clutches of a soothe sayer,  A Proud SORCERESS! a PERVERT! Born into a "race" of people,  so low,  so common,  so callous, so ruthless, so uncaring, so sadistic, WE SOLD OURSELVES INTO SLAVERY! So jealous and envious,  they pretend my "story" is un important, has no urgency, that I am TOO BLACK! That I am a  no count Bastard,  because my "sire" refused to marry my "mother" That I have no right to the Tree of Life,  That I am old, ugly , and of no count, That my art is ugly, that I am the embare-ass-ment, not that Super "hoe! Not that pathological, sadistic Liar,  that delighted in destroying the entire Walters Clan for  Eighty-Eight Years! I'M IN THE UPPER ROOM BEAMING!!! ***THE GWEN DOSTER DIARIES*** Saturday, January 16, 2021

Mahalia Jackson Move On Up A Little Higher

A sho'nuff 'hoe birthed me burned me branded me sexually assaulted me enslaved me delighted in savagely torturing me for sixty-two years yes , World martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureax was  HORROR UNLEASHED for Eighty-Eight Years World, Rev.Watson preached under ordination! Was satan;s greatest disciple Hidden Cloistered "Covered" by the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Why? Evildoers crept into the "Church" over two thousand years ago They preach lies they preach division they preach ranking all of GOD"s creations by color based on a lie they created "Come ye out from among them" I highly rebuke that old slut from Wade, North Carolina Yes, I highly rebuke that old stanking, lying, lazy whore,  that held me, us, in her clutches for Eighty-Eight years Just so you know,  stanking 'hoe While I am Moving on a Little Higher I am Delighted to Dance on your stanking, low life, unrepentant grave! Look at that orange thang, ju...

Otis Redding - Security

I want "Security"! Of course I do. Why shouldn't I have it? Just what fellow HUE MAN,  on this good green Earth, feel they have the right to deprive me? My birth mother. Why? Skin color. I was too dark for my mother to love. Never to dark to sexually molest, rape, burn, bludgeon and stalk for sixty-two years. Who said it would be better for you to be cast into the ocean with a millstone about your neck than to harm the least one of his children? JESUS! What low whore was born in Wade, North Carolina,  in 1925, and delighted in serving satan in secret,  for Eighty-Eight Years?  martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux What low, sick, sadistic, incestuous , pedophile,  was permitted to destroy her entire family , for eighty-eight horrid, torturous, treacherous years, just because s/he looked white?  martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux Why? They all believed a lie! Believed in color, not character.  Stupid creatures willing to s...

CON FUNK SHUN "Love's Train" on Soul Train

"Sometimes heart strings can be broken... Some daughters are born to extremely evil wo/men, some mothers are incapable of ever loving anyone Some people are just sadistic Some , perhaps most are extremely Ignorant While most people are ignorant far too many are wicked So? LIVELAUGHLOVE anyway No matter what these devil continue to do, KEEP ON STROKING! ***THE GWEN DOSTER DIARIES*** Thursday, January 14, 2021

You Gotta Move (2009 Mix)

No, today is not just another day. Today is an Awesome day! While the ignorant, barbaric dullards are raging, scaling walls, desperately attempting to insure the system of white supremacy remain sacred, undisturbed Of course the low life, common, demon possessed shall blame their atrocities on Our Loving GOD The GOD of Abraham  whose wife born triplets of three different races their god that created all people of color to be drawers of water and hewers of wood  FOREVER HOGWASH My stank ass, sadistic, demon possessed "mother",  pulled that exact same shit  cherry picked a Bible s/he knew we would never read could not comprehend if we tried Sure, s/he preached out of one side of her mouth served satan out of the other side why? LACK OF FAITH s/he walked by sight mjw preached for cover keep deep hatred, envy, jealousy and perversion tucked in her heart Resist her and catch the wrath of a diabolical, color struck, ignorant demon! Rev. Martha Jane Watson sexually molested...

The Dells Stay In My Corner (Live circa 1972)

The word "Stay" has a great deal of significance in the "Black community". We have expressions like; "Where you stay at?" "S/he stay over there." "Don't stay out all night." Why? We are never permitted to live,  as anything, but second class.  We are not permitted to "live" any where. We must "stay". Stay in a hole, stay in a hut,in a shit hole country.  A shack, an overpriced ghetto dwelling.  We "stay" in jail. We "stay" in bad relationships. We "stay" mad. We scream; "STAY" out my business, A cage is considered too good for us to "stay" in.   "They" take their dogs to the groomers , but WE better not say shit about our five thousand year old "condition". Yes, we still rank HUE-MANS by skin color, hair texture, wealth, age,  and any old bullshit , some rich asshole like *rump,  proclaims. The word "Stay" means a lot to me. When I wa...

Chris Stapleton - Tennessee Whiskey (Official Audio)

Whew! This song is nice. We all need some "nice", sometime. We are all in need of deep compassion.  We all need someone to sincerely care.   None of us should ever lie. Luckily for me,   my "mother" was  always a  pathological liar. Therefore I am a Hue-Man Being with a one lie minimum. Stay out of my face lying! I also hate "sexual perverts". Wo/men like my nasty ass "birth-ER". Stanking hoes,  that seriously believe their fake ass walk with their pretend god , fools anyone. No, I don't miss that 'hoe. As a matter of fact, I'm glad the low slut for satan, finally died. Yes, I am tired of all liars. I am also tired of low life, snielving , uncle tom vipers,  like my "mother". Like uncle clarence thomas, ben carcuss, ilk and polly ester..  While, I most certainly hate all racist liars, I understand,  Why can't I lie for old, reprobates, incestuous pedophiles? Is it because I was a victim so long? Why can't I keep my m...

Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)

Stankin' 'hoe came here murdered her own babies flushed five or six of us down the drain said we bedda' not nevah tell it! Rubbed that shit in my face my whole life when s/he thought no one was lookin' Died and went straight to hell Old ignorant color struck niggers demanding that I not tell GOD told your old stupid ass to repent YOU refused! Now rot! take, that rotting, festering, orange sack of shitty puss with you. BEAMING!!! ***THE GWEN DOSTER DIARIES*** Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The Isley Brothers - For the Love of You, Pts. 1 & 2 (Audio)

No lie can live forever No sick , sadistic viper either Please watch that viperous, sadistic, demon possessed SUCCUBUS call himself ruling over his amerikkka Through RAGE! Through evil demonic lies! Well, old,  low life,  lying, 'hoe , you are my "Birth-ER's" twin Just like you , s/he lived for man,  for satan Just like you, s/he used good Church folk too Deliberately Cherry picked the Bible Demanded to be praised, honored for the color of her skin! Tricked them out of their money Went home and laughed , clapped her  demon possessed hands, squealed like a pig. No , s/he didn't win You won't either "For it is written!" BEAMING!!! ***THE GWEN DOSTER DIARIES*** Tuesday, January 12, 2021

⚡️ Thunderstorm At Sea Sounds For Sleeping, Relaxing ~ Thunder Rain Ocea...

AWESOME!  "Ye shall receive Power when The HOLY GHOST comes upon you." Power! Power! Wonder working Power. Yes, there is Power, Wonder Working Power in the Blood. I am a WITNESS! I endured to the end! Dear LORD Jesus Christ, Thank You for taking that HORRID, two-legged, common, perverted, sadistic, demon possessed viper,  off of this good Earth , when you did. Thank You for permitting a sadistic, vacuous , son of satan , to serve as president of these divided states of amerikkka"! Thank you for exposing all of these FOUL, wretched imps, minions, and hue-man filth,  that dare oppose you,  and have occupied the "Church" far too long. I find it very ironic,  that I catch myself repeating my "mother's" plea,  often; " My LORD from Zion".  Do know before my "mother" died,  at the ripe old age of  Eighty-Eight,   s/he put on a front that "might cudda' ",  fooled Jesus Himself. s/he was always "sending up timber...

Michael Jackson - Man In The Mirror (Official Video)

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! The year was 1988. I was a veteran, hard working,  dedicated TEACHER! I was proud! I was dynamic! I was also quite beautiful,  physically, and quite brilliant academically. I was "over teachung", over working in a Middle School in Sandy Springs, Georgia.  My principal was also *rump's twin. DUMB! The dumb slut was ate up with stupidity and racism. We came up together. S/he was actually a former "teammate" , that I did actually delight in belittling every time the dumb whore said something stupid. Which was every damn day. Well, s/he was rumored to be a closet lesbian. Rumor nothing, it was obvious. Anyway, that closet slut and my evil closet , demon possessed narcissistic "mother", made my life HELL! Sabatoge, sabotoge, sabotoge! Why? JEALOUS and RACIST af! Well, fortunately or unfortunately, I was born into the clutches of a DEMON POSSESSED SLUT! satan's lowest concubine. A Prostitute, a pervert, a sexual freak,  in gene...

Simply Red - Holding Back The Years (Official Video)

Imagine if you will a sixty-nine and one half year old Child of the most High GOD, still holding on. My grandfather, Rome Walters promised me that "Jesus would fix it" . I still believe that. Yes, that low whore for satan did come here and trauma bond us , forever! Yes! Not only was that low slut a sexual pervert, a INCESTUOUS Pedophile! s/he knew! Yes! That low whore for satan, knew for Eighty-Eight horrid years! Why? "For it is written." After what this entire World was forced to witness yesterday, that "demon-stration" by all those *rump humpers,  leaves no doubt about Scripture, prophesy. I know I have no doubt. Yes, I have peeled back all the layers of this "Onion". Yes, I finally caught on to what sick, sadistic, "Evangelical Christianity" did to me, to my "mother", to my family. Family, friends, I beg you, let go of slave Evangelical Christianity!  Those demons invaded the "White House", the bastion of Freedom...

The O'Jays - Forever Mine (Official Video)

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! A low volunteer for satan came to GOD's good , green Earthe and acted the pure demon possessed fool for Eighty-Eight Years! Yes, World, the low "high yalla"  imp was permitted to rape, rob, molest, stalk, conjure, ruin, decimate and even spread her feces. Why? The System of white supremacy, satan's favorite tool. Yes World, don't you dare fool yourself. Please pray, please think critically! In whose world,  is anyone surprised "donald" is being "donald"? Why can't we tell the Truth? djt is exactly what amerikkka deserves! Yes, that imp, that SUCCUBUS, that MONGREL MONSTROSITY  is well earned and well over due. I know because I suffered from my own personal mongrel monstrosity much too long. Yes, I have been busy pulling back the skin of this dead onion for over seven years. Why?   Children of the Most High , I do believe mjw was certainly a necessary evil. How can or shall any of us ever know the extent, the affec...

I'm So Excited (Extended Version)

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Chronologically I'm "Old".  Many, perhaps most, say I am "too old"! Too old at 69! True, my body is feeble, worn out. Perhaps most of my "mind". But there is one thing I vow! I shall reveal that low life MAGGOT that birthed me, tormented and terrorized me , and my entire family for Eighty-eight excruciating painful years. ROT STANKING SLUT! No, no, no,  Too wise, perhaps. Much too knowledgeable and talkative, sure. Not only am I proud to reveal, expose, that treacherous, immoral, demon laden "Root worker" , I REJOICE! Yes World, I rejoice as I rebuke that horrid whore permitted to birth me, to hold me, to hold all those s/he envied,  and secretly despised, in her private hell,  until the low whore finally expired. LORD, I'm so excited about this final chapter of my great life. While "mathy jane" did always slosh behind me, pretending to love and cherish me. I knew better. Something inside me just would...

The O'Jays - Forever Mine (Official Video)

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Thank You LORD for my healing, my reconnecting to this realm. Thank you for permitting  Me, Us,  to survive the "Blunt force Trauma", that low, cowardly maggot , sadistically tormented Me, Us, with for ,Seventy-two, Sixty-three, Sixty-Two , Years. Dear LORD, only You know! Only You can know! No matter what , LORD, I shall always love You! Trust You! Wait on you LORD! Yes, I am BEAMING in the BACKFIRE of my "birth-ER's" evil, demonic, heartless, cruel, ignorant deeds. Reverse the Curse. "Come ye out from among them." ***THE GWEN DOSTER DIARIES*** Thursday, January 7, 2021

For the Love of You (Pt. 1 & Pt. 2)

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! The orange swine has sung. He said "there will be a peaceful transition of power." Bullshit! The only way that thang is leaving , is dead. How do I know? "Death" had to take my "mother/birth-ER".  The low , volunteer slut for satan, was djt's evil twin.   s/he was in full RAGE before her evil, demonic ass fell into a deep coma. No! martha jane walters, was NEVER telling the Truth about shit (anything)! Never repenting! Why? Was s/he ashamed? Hell no! The low slut was proud, just mad s/he wasn't officially "white". Yes, dumb ass martha lived her life lusting after "white privilege".  Was always envious of the way of the oppressor.   Yes, s/he was a jealous dog! Put  UNTRUST,  in the word  UNTRUSTWORTHY! Then had the damn nerve to rage, beat, brutalize,scald, skin, stab,  torment , torture,  and cry crocodile tears,  when we barely , and oh so humbly,  attempted to resist her demonic wrath. s/he fi...

Al Green - Glory To His Name (Official Audio)

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! A stanking, lying, treacherous, untrustworthy slut,  deliberately birthed me and five others,  for her sadistic pleasure. Had one "Hellified Ball" on Earth committing unspeakable sins,  while posing as an ordained pastor, good daughter, sister, mother, aunt, cousin, friend. "No such thing, EVER!" But, s/he finally died! Not only did s/he die, her "living" taught me a lot about "Christians" vs Christ Lovers. Liars against Truth Tellers. The Faithless against [HIS] Anointed. BEAMING in the BACKFIRE! ***THE GWEN DOSTER DIARIES*** Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Gil Scott Heron & Brian Jackson : Secrets (Full Album)

YES! Another AWESOME DAY! Another opportunity to "Express Myself", to tell this World , what that wo/man did to me. First of all, Thank YOU Jesus! "If you had not been on my side, where , oh where , would I be?' Yes LORD, that "high yalla' succubus" you let "tarry" on this Good Earth , for Eighty-Eight Years , is finally gone. Unfortunately, her stench, her scent , her foul secrets, yet linger. Why? Fear, terror, our collective inability to "know our Truth". Sure, we know it. We just don't want to know it. LORD? You mean to tell me I was deliberately born into the clutches of a two legged viper? A serious witch, a soothe sayer, a "root worker"?   martha jane walters worked "roots" her entire life,  that is a fact. martha jane walters was a sadistic, cruel, perverted Pathological Liar, is also a fact. In her long life s/he deliberately and callously murdered so many, mjw, considered herself kind when s/he made ...