"Floating on air, ain't touching ground nowhere" (*Joan Graham - High Rise-1973 NCAT) AWESOME! That's how I feel. Why? The low skank, that serial murderer, that homemade witch, that sick sadistic dog , that not only delighted herself in destroying her own babies, lived and deliberately destroyed, slaughtered with great delight, every "loved one" s/he touched. Did so with little resistance for Eighty-eight Years. NO, that should not be , Children of the Most High GOD. Please discern, know the difference, if something is defined as a thing that "should not be", that is, something, good people, have no excuse for tolerating, or permitting. However, if IT is prophesied , IT SHALL AND MUST COME TO BE. That low slut, satan's sidekick, Mongrel Monstrosity, martha jane walters, was prophesied, PREDICTED to come! s/he "came" alright. HORROR UNLEASHED, HORROR UNENDING for Eighty-eight Years! LORD, on this day, Tuesday, September 27, 20...