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Showing posts from September, 2022

Summer Breeze, Pts. 1 & 2 "Floating"

"Floating on air, ain't touching ground nowhere" (*Joan Graham - High Rise-1973 NCAT) AWESOME! That's how I feel. Why? The low skank, that serial murderer, that homemade witch, that sick sadistic dog , that not only delighted herself in destroying her own babies, lived and deliberately destroyed,  slaughtered with great delight, every "loved one" s/he touched.  Did so with  little resistance for Eighty-eight Years. NO, that should not be , Children of the Most High GOD. Please discern, know the difference, if something is defined as a thing that "should not be", that is,  something,  good people,  have no excuse for tolerating, or permitting. However, if IT is prophesied , IT SHALL AND MUST COME TO BE.   That low slut, satan's sidekick, Mongrel Monstrosity, martha jane walters,  was prophesied, PREDICTED to come! s/he "came" alright. HORROR UNLEASHED, HORROR UNENDING for Eighty-eight Years! LORD, on this day, Tuesday, September 27, 20...

Jesus Be A Fence Around Me by Fred Hammond (Lyrics)

ed Regal Dear Children of the Most High GOD, REJOICE! Please follow these "Rs" The HOLY SPIRIT saw fit to share with Me. Redeemed Rejoice Radiant  Radical Rare Rebellious  Refined Regal Relentless  Resilient RESPLENDENT Righteous REMNANT  I am The REMNANT of ROME WALTERS Enough said. BEAMING!!!

Herb Ellis & Remo Palmier ‎– Windflower (1978)

Lies, deceit, terror and confusion, the Currency of every evildoer. Sure, they smile, skin and grin as they devour you, gleefully grind you into  dust. Yes,  of course they are all backstabbers, self haters, un-remorseful.  Full of RAGE,  when caught. Why? You, yes, pathetic little you, robbed them, deprived them of another opportunity to rub caiaine pepper in your open wounds.  Yes, you thwarted their scheme to humiliate you. To lay you low , to mock you behind your back.  Sure, they planned to cry with you, lament with you. Nothing about their "countenance" shall ever let on about how happy they are to help slay you. Yes, they are glad when you are rejected, openly ridiculed. Why? IT is what IT is. There is nothing to debate. The Truth, the person that You love, doesn't love You and never will.  They can't. IT is impossible. No, they can not, shall never admit IT but , they hate you too.  No, they cannot wait for you to die.  So, they "acci...

Grover Washington, Jr. Mister Magic "HEALING THE MOTHER WOUND"

Yes HOLY Father, You are still Awesome! Still on the Throne! Still opening doors, removing blinders, obstacles, blessing blockers, and envious,  jealous haters , disguised as "family and friends".   While the deliberately deceitful  are  often impossible to see, something in My Spirit has always enabled Me to "feel" them.  No matter the sweet words spewing from their lying lips, "I know". (My spirit screams; 'There is something not quite right about you".  Deep inside , I knew I was a marrying a 'homosexual". At that time,  thirty-two years old, very limited in my sexual experiences, due to My closet demon possessed,  sexually confused "mother" , I really had no idea what a "homosexual man" was. I sure soon learned. World, that low life, dick sucking Faggot,  made sure I knew to well on our "Wedding night". YES! I'm still ANGRY! Screaming! That low life Maggot martha got Me good with that sissy-fied FAGGO...

Drift Away BEAMING!!!

Yes LORD, You are so Wonderful, so Awesome, I feel compelled to write You everyday Of course I know I don't have to I know You know  My every Thought, Prayer petition before I utter it Yes LORD, on this day Sunday, September 25, 2022, I just dropped by to say ; Thank You! Yes GOD, you are a Mighty Good GOD! With You I feel special, ANOINTED , Chosen, Protected, Directed Yes LORD, I hear Your Voice, I obey Your Voice only Yes LORD, there are many that hate Me for always listening to You I don't care just like that slut , they demand that remain on the bottom of their shoe a whipping post just another Black nigger to blame to laugh at  to mock to stunt on I understand just who am I to honor? born BLACK born a bastard (to this day I have no idea who my real father was) born poor, penniless of course Me, Rachel Gwendolyn ?, another Black fe/male with too much BACKTALK a wo/man that willingly challenges every lie she is forced to swollow So?  "Sticks and stones may hurt My bon...

Donny Hathaway - Extensions of a Man (1973) Revelations of Weary Soul

Yes LORD you know I thank you yes i am tired confused disgusted TIDE (Tired) crucified ambushed laid low hated envied blessing blocked plotted on excluded way laid laughed at scorned Prevented No, I am NOT Prevented! I am HERE! If you don't want to LOVE ME, if you can't LOVE Me, don't. Just don't lie about it. I'm cool. I will survive.  Do not feel like you are been held hostage, against your will. No, my 'hoeish ass "mother"could never love Me, nor that handpicked FAGGOT! One thing I still know, as My brain shrinks, as I lose my teeth, vision and hearing, and creep around propped up on a stick, I was not always considered a BURDEN! I used to be SOMEBODY! I was voted "Most Attractive" in my High School Class of 1969 I ranked #37 out of #637 in the class of 1973, NCA&TSUN I won TWO Graduate fellowships I retired a Stellar Teacher TEACHER OF THE YEAR 2000 I am a great Artist! Actress! Story Teller! I am a great friend and loved one I love g...

Nat King Cole - Looking Back (1958) AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME!

Dear LORD, Thank You for another Wonderful Day!!! Thank You for saving Me Rescuing Me from ENTITIES,  (Deep dark monsters ), EVIL DEMON POSSESSED SPIRITS , We falsely believe too excruciatingly painful to face. So,  We think, have been taught Fear is Taught, Ingrained in Our collective DNA FEAR is not real! The Sluts, THOTS , like martha jane walters molded Us Woke that SHIT on our foreheads "You're too Black!" "You ain't SHIT" (when no one was looking) "Oh I just love my churun" , only when s/he had an audience . (That low slut mathy was never wasting any act of good behavior on any one s/he secretly hated and openly blamed for her pain.) Yes nigger, the spirit that held mathy jane laughed gleefully as you searched for your "left shoes" for sixty two years. Yes World, when that low 'hoe mathy jane grew jealous of anything , any one gave you, that low 'hoe water moccassin was sneaking up behind you and throwing it awy. No, the low...

Since I've Laid My Burdens Down Mississippi John Hurt

BURDEN- "a duty or misfortune that causes hardship, anxiety, or grief, a nuisance." World, if anyone ever calls you a burden, please permit Me to pray for you.  If you have done all you can do on this mean earth.  If you have been diligent, about Your Father's business, Living, Loving,  Sharing, being the best hue-man being you can be, honor that. Yes, I'm glad to pray for You and with you. Not only will I pray for you, I will cry for you. You are in "Bad Shape". You are friendless. You have no one but GOD! Yes, GOD can save you. You can be spared and you can be loved. Do not believe them , no matter how loudly they scream. You know you. You know you were simply a witness.  You didn't do it.  When I was three years old my "Birth-ER" took Us down to the "Cowfield" , an old "slave" graveyard,  in Wade, North Carolina. s/he was there for EVIL! Not only did We watch "mathy jane" dig up dirt from a "Murdered Man...

Ribbon In The Sky "Good Morning friends, loved ones, Children of the Most High GOD

Exhale deeply! Let IT out! Relax Relax every muscle in your body Yes, let go of all the pain you have been forced to bear because you were born into the clutches of the Sickest, most Sadistic , Abomination to The HOLY GHOST,  satan could create,  and force down the throat of the innocent. REBUKE that Bitch! Curse that Cur! Reveal her! Do NOT wear  her Taint! Do NOT bear her Burdens! Inhale GOD's good clean air! Breathe deeply knowing that Unleashed Horror has waifed away from this good Earth Forever! Waifed away! Vanished! A low common water moccassin , planted in the Walters Family by satan. An immoral sick, sadistic pervert , planted in the AMEZ  (African Methodist Episcopal Zion)  Church! Why? To mock GOD, To sully GOD's name! Yes World, my "mother"/"Birth/ER" , martha jane walters hodges, doster watson lamoureaux was dispatched to this good Earth to do harm, to destroy,  through a brilliant scheme designed by lucifer himself.  Yes World, satan crea...

Superwoman (Where Were You When I Needed You)

martha jane walters wanted to be a superMAN No, martha refused to earn her way sided with satan and every evildoer for eighty-eight years martha falsely believed you had to be cruel, selfish, and greedy to be a superwoman wrong, wrong, wrong Every little girl should be fair, truthful and honest to be a superwoman No, little false princess, being a superwoman has nothing to do with skin color or "income" Dear little princess count your Blessings, your Gifts and Talents Cherish them Do know the evildoers shall gleefully scorn everything you attempt Do it ANYWAY!

Ribbon In The Sky

Yes GOD,  You are still AWESOME! YES LORD< I STILL BEAM!!! Thank You for Mister JEROME WALTERS Thank You for always offering Me HOPE Thank You for all of the True, unfeigned LOVE! REAL AUTHENTIC PURE SOOTHING TRUTHFUL BLISSFUL TRUSTWORTHY FORGIVEN Unfortunately temporary. No, WE did not come here to stay always. It is the "Journey" that counts. It is your Word. Your Word is everything! Your Word defines you. Never sell your Word for cheap.  Never sell your Word for riches. You shall never be happy knowing no one  can ever truly trust you. You are forced to become a manipulative bully,  just to get your way. The worse part is,  being found out. Yes, you will be found out, eventually. No lie can live forever. Once they are found out, that is pretty much it for the narcissistic bully.  They will move on to new targets. They will be "sweet and wonderful" until challenged.  The day you object, dare attempt to stand up, to protest, that demon possessed bu...

Jerry Butler "Hey Western Union Man" 1968 Philly My Extended Version!

BEAMING My GOD is AWESOME Permitted Me to see another Beautiful Day AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! WE no longer have to wait... WE can TEXT Dear Children of the Most High GOD While Time changes ALL Things GOD's  TRUTH NEVER CHANGES

Sweet Thing | Chaka Khan "First of all, don't be a know it all."

Please do not be so arrogant in your "Wealth of Knowledge" , that you refuse to learn, observe, evaluate, compare and contrast. Believe it or not, those words ;"Compare and Contrast, draw a conclusion, write a persuasive essay suitable for framing.", made far too many of My students RAGE for the Thirty years I labored in the "Vineyard of Education". Yes, I was that "Teacher"! Nerd to the 1,000,000 Power. READING is my JOY! That is , along with music, dance,acting, writing, painting, creating, inventing and Reminiscing. Reminiscing, re-running all of the memorial moments I've enjoyed in My long life. While I do spend a great deal of time calling out sick, sadistic, reprobates, that is certainly not all I do. If I do anything to "nausism", it is Teach! I can't help it. I am a reservoir of Knowledge, not just knowledge, valuable information. Valuable information that I am compelled  by The HOLY GHOST to share! The only people that ...

The 100 Greatest Soul Songs of the 70s Unforgettable Soul Music Full P...

Yes LORD, You are still AWESOME! Thank You for Your Magnificent GLORY! Your Abundant LOVE! Thank You for My "Magnificent" Life such as IT is Thank You for protecting My tender ears from all the Rancor of this World Thank You for permitting Me to see so much Beauty in a World filled, running over with , vile wo/men: Incorrigable Stiff necked Arrogant Immoral Hateful Greedy Selfish Predatory Envious Jealous Manipulative Covert Conniving Dear LORD, why the Rage? No lie can ever be turned into Truth No horrible abomination committed against the innocent deserves to be protected by any one's fear or lake of faith No dead lying IMP,  that TERRORIZED Me for Seventy years,  shall dare try to silence Me! The dumb, stanking, Incestuous/Pedophile Nymphomaniac Whore , should have repented PeriodT! Case closed! World! A low Maggot Whore named martha jane walters birthed me Seventy-one years ago Deliberately  Tormented Raped Stalked Plotted Connived Then the stank /hoe turned preacher ...

Luther Vandross - Still in Love "My GOD is still AWESOME!"

Yes LORD You are still AWESOME! At this point in My life I no longer care about what I was forced to endure for My entire Lifetime! Why? Because You have always been with Me LORD and I truly Thank YOU. I exhale today, Tuesday, September 20, 2022, REFRESHED! SAFE! SOUND! REDEEMED! Yes, LORD, You are AWESOME! I am no longer even bothered by any evildoer's "smoke", threats, lies, tantrums. I'm far too old. I have been forced to see far too much.  I know one thing, I shall not be abused by any poorly educated, vacuous "Color Struck" imp. I am not totally Stupid yet. I am sure I am well on My way but, I am not there yet! Thank GOD! At Seventy=one I can still discern absolute Bullshit from the Truth! A negro in full denial  ,  is a negro in full denial. SHIT! That is how it is!  I refuse to be bullied.  For the Eighty-eight years that shank slithered on this good Earth, that Slut was determined to make Everyone her damn fool, then laugh about you behind your dumb ...

Otis Redding live "Chained and Bound" BEAMING IN THE BACKFIRE!!!

Yes! I'm BRAGGING!Why? I'm STILL STANDING! Deliberately born into the clutches of one FOUL demon possessed, ignorant, whorish Jezebel. A wo/man so stupid,  s/he pretended to pretend,  to be something s/he wasn't , in order to impress people , s/he purely hated. World, My "Birth-ER" shall go down in history as a pure Maggot, a Slut, another Dirty Cunt,  that was permitted , by the fake so-called "Christians",  of this CONtry,  to parade, molest, fake, and destroy her own  innocent children for Seventy-Two long hard years. So? Her dirty life was beneficial. IT was beneficial to Me. I can never be all together sure that I could have escaped becoming the low, lying prostitute, fake "Christian", mjw was, without martha being martha. Something inside Me tells Me,  that I needed that "Mathy jane Experience". I needed to be "Set up" over and over , for decades! I needed to be someone's "Footstool". I needed t serve as ...

Jimmy Ruffin Motown "What Becomes of the Broken Hearted" My Extended Ve...

A better question might be; what becomes of the Pathological Liar, the deliberate Blessing Blocker? What really happens to people willing to live "double -two faced lives"? Slippery serpents, planted on this good Earth to torment the righteous.Pretenders! Fake-ERs! Every last one of them. Fact: "IT is what IT is." Your secret tormentor, you incestuous/pedophile birth-ER,  may die a few weeks shy of her Eighty-eighth birthday , LYING,denying, casting "spells", dispersion, division.  So? Who gives a FUCK? The low slut was a Maggot! Never more than a lying Maggot that was content to torment , terrorize, stalk and destroy from her "artificial, made up, little nigger kingdom,  A place of Lust, Cruelty and sadistic practices of Voodoo and Conjure.   A place of sick horror everyday but, Sunday. (Sunday too, but that was the day s/he was a pure Christ loving "Christian" for at least two hours. Question, why can't the Pathological Liar stop lying...

Bessie Jones and Georgia Sea Island Singers - O Death

I am delighted to share this original recording! It fits so perfectly with My Masters Thesis. I wrote the most brilliant Thesis on the psychological effects of the Institution of Slavery on the descendants of Africans in the American south, especially the horrid state of Georgia. I characterize Georgia as Horrid, Savage , because it was. James Oglethorpe established it as the Thirteen colony colony to serve  a "Buffer Colony" to protect the colonies from Spain that claimed Florida.  England used Oglethrope's philanthropy as an opportunity to rid England of it's undesirables. Georgia began as a dumping ground for prisoners, murderers, rapists, thieves. Georgia remains an extremely racist state, full of the vilest, lowest so called "Christians" possible. Do yourself a favor, just listen to this music. AWESOME!!!

People Get Ready - Curtis Mayfield & The Impressions (1965) A Lie is simply and artificial Truth

an artificial Truth, only accepted by fellow Liars, people, hue-man beings that are proud to live predatory, artificial , cold, fake, sadistic, envious, jealous , "Double lives".  Confused lives to be sure. Mostly miserable..  Why? (GOD only knows) While I know your own "mother", "birthER" , should never be your greatest enemy but, the Truth IS, s/he  all too often, IS!  My "birthER" was not only My worse possible enemy, martha jane walters , was the true "Menace to Society"! Yes, the hell s/he WAS! So what? I'm glad! What if that low, "root working" whore , actually loved Me?What if s/he had not stalked Me with a Vengeance for Sixty-two years? Had not kept Me confused always throwing away my "left shoe".  What if I had not been forced to fight an enemy,  that I could not see, had no idea existed? What if some real pastor had preached about, warned about "anti-mothers" instead of always begging for mone...

Govt Mule Deepest End - I don't ...

care how smart You loudly announce you are, anyone that refuses to take correction, to ever tell the Truth, You are pretty much worthless as a hue-man being. That "thang" I married really felt justified in destroying ALL of My manuscripts, awards, ART, valuable collections of "priceless art". Why? Why was he such a "hue-man Maggot"? A dead piece of dog shit?  He was a "lascivious reprobate"! He was a PERVERT! A Pathological liar, hue-man scum , that really didn't mind being hue-man scum. Why? He was an "usher" in the "Church". He was as fake as a three dollar bill. Well, how did I end up with such a Faggot, a Faggot that turned Faggot out the gate! A Faggot that turned back into the Faggot he always was on our "Wedding night". So, why attack Me? That Faggot persued Me! I quit that mental midget so many times. I could not get rid of him. Well, not until I pulled that HR on that Faggot. The HOLY SPIRIT does not nee...

Booker T. Jones -- Green Onions [Live from Daryl's House #44-04] Lean In!

No this shit ain't ova' nowhere near Lean in Come git sum The stankin' ass queen is dead!!! Jump up and down! Dance on that lying, stankin', greedy 'hoe's dead empty head Do it! Do it! Do it! As long as you live don't you eva' fo'get We all have FREE WILL! Now dance! Twerk GAWDDAMMITT! Fucking REJOICE! satan almost had yo'simple ass! Ni BEAM! Just BEAM! I always tolt'chu; GOD Got YOU!

Otis Rush - Maybe The Last Time BEAMING IN THE BACKFIRE!

B E E E E A AA M M M M M MMMMIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!! Out here just TWERKING on another dead, unrepentant, jezebel whore's unrepentant grave! (Ladies and gentmens, please take a few minutes to BEAM, to Dance, to Prance and REJOICE! Thank Almight GAWD ! Trouble don't last always! Nor does Stupidity Look lak to Me that damn *rump and old dead stank ass 'hoe mathy jane finally,  went too far stayed too long!  No, didn't none of US come here to stay always You can keep lying, denying, trying to make a complete FOOL of everyone or you can choose to Live and Die in the TRUTH! In the "Mean Time" know that I shall leave Dancing! Dancing on a demon possessed stank, ordained preacher's dead, lying, corrupt, stank ass! I AM NOT ASHAMED!!! I refuse to be ASHAMED!!! If that low, water moccassin "root working" whore found No Shame in Eighty-Eight YEARS Why should I be made to feel ASHAMED  When IT is obvious GOD has Always been Very GOOD TO ME! To ...

"Amazing Grace" YES!!!

"Giving honor to GOD who is the Head of My Life"! Dear Evildoer, please do not take offense but, you are a Pathological Liar. No, it is not an insult, just the pure , unadulterated Truth. I don't care about you raging, crying, insulting, belittling, doing everything but,  accepting the Truth. If one lie is in it, GOD, The HOLY SPIRIT is Not in it!  GOD , The HOLY SPIRIT did Not ever permit that Cotton Mouth Water Moccasin, martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux, to  get away with anything, ever. Sure, s/he escaped man's punishment, was never held accountable in a court of law,  for her long , low , filthy life. So? s/he had to look in the mirror. s/he shaved her little side whiskers everyday. Knowing full well s/he was an ABOMINATION TO THE HOLY GHOST!  Pretended to love GOD, [HIS] Word  decade after decade, for EONS! Yet, s/he died a Monster! A filthy Monstrosity! For some reason martha jane walters was always content with "Fuckery". Just live...

MESSIN' WITH THE KID - Junior Wells I'm not pissing, I'm TWERKING!!!

The old low ******* Screamed and  Screeched; "Don't you PISS'on my grave when I'm dead" No, dead Mongrel Monstrosity that refused to "get help", refused all forms of intervention, help. Yes, you old dead Reptellion! I do not care what you say or vow, You did not derive any JOY from deliberately "spawning" innocent children to devour, destroy, rape , ruin, enslave and molest. No, stupid whore you never believed your skin color and hair texture,  gave you the right to live a demon possessed, diabolical, predatory life. You said said that SHIT to hear your empty head roar! You also never believed there was any "Male conspiracy" to keep you down, of low rank in the A.M.E. Zion church. You said that shit because it sounded good. It was plauseable . It made since. Of course it was a lie! You two faced, back-stabbing closet lesbian Freak! You also declared that all men where whores, ate pussy, were perverts, could never be trusted. Who knew ...

Mystery Train - Junior Parker The Original vs The King

If you don't have anything to do please listen to the "author", true originator  of "Mystery Train" vs the one that became famous for copying the musical style of a "Black" man. My first thought was anger. At seventy-one years old,  am I  still permitting evildoers to steal My JOY? Then, The HOLY SPIRIT asked Me? What did he gain? Sure Elvis acquired fame, money, prestige, perhaps some power. But, how did he live? Was he ever truly happy? If so, why the drugs? Why the tremendous weight gain? Did the man live in fear? Was he afraid to tell his followers to actually LOVE Black people? Did he ever want to scream against "White supremacy"?   Do you think he ever wanted to give credit where credit was (is) due? Do you think he ever felt like a thief, a fraud? No, I never heard of Junior Parker,  either. I too, falsely believed Elvis was the true creator, originator. I was wrong. I wonder how Junior Parker felt? Did he ever suffer lack? Was he call...

5th Dimension One Less Bell To Answer (HQ Stereo) 1970 Keep living , hopefully you will finally realize "Religion" has nothing to do with Righteousness

PTL!!! Whew! Glad that **** is gone! One less sadistic pervert that loved "religion",  more than GOD. One less stank,  secretive,  "bi-sexual",  incestuous pedophile "closet dweller".  While I hate that "Thang" rose as high as s/he did. It is a good thing. How would WE know, how could WE ever discover,  how fake most so-called Christians really are?   Most people lie so much, it is expected.  Tell the Truth and get HATED! Put out of your own family. No one will have anything to do with you. It is the Truth, I have been treated like a leper in my own family because I always refused to keep quiet about martha's PERVERSION!  Another nasty, stanking, toothless, miserable monster up preaching and praying , (like clockwork) every Sunday! Just another lying, slippery serpent that slithered into another pulpit, unawares. No one will come out and tell you. Your closest "loved ones" shall always have a good  excuse for not spending any qualit...

Mystery Train 1974

eae Dear World, I , Rachel G. Doster love music! All music, Country, Blues , Rock, Rap,Rhythm and Blues. Classical, rehearsed and imprompto. What I don't like and refuse to tolerate; LIARS! I can't !  I remain mystified by hue-man beings not only unwilling to tell the Truth, but refuse to hear the Truth. One thing I know about all Pathological liars,  like My BirthER,  and that Fag s/he deliberately manipulated Me into marrying for her own sadistic amusement.  They do think they are more intelligent, that no one can see through their Bullshit. The fact is, if you let on or resist , in any way, you are going to get SALIVATED! Cussed out! Laid low! Reduced! Perhaps stabbed , assaulted or killed. Thus we have MONGREL MONSTROSITIES , like My BirthER, refusing repentance from the grave. I do have to laugh , (to keep from crying) to martha's low life lying day, that lying whore swore that I wasn't shit, that My grandfather wasn't shit. Sadly, most people ended up siding w...

I Want To Have A Word With You (London Revisited Version)BEAMING!!!!

BEAMING!!! Ova'heah Just BEAMING Floating on Air Ain't touching Ground  No'whur That Dead, Unrepentant SLUT is DEAD!!! DEAD! DEAD! Done gon' and rotted away in her Filthy Grave Whut is the bess thang that Creature" eva'did fuh anyone? FINALLY DIED AND LEFT US ALONE I outlived duh stankin' 'hoe Lying, lazy slut fucked 'round and MURDERED My GrandDADDY Never repented like s/he promised to  World, dat wo/man named mathy jane walters drug her old lying, psychotic, sadistic ass,  up in the AME ZION church PREACHING MOCKED ALMIGHTY GAWD Dared any and everyone to eva tell on her demon possessed ass I WILL Not only will I tell I  get up early every morning and dance on that dead "Root working", Homemade witchdocter's dead head!!

Grand Funk Railroad - The Loco-Motion - COVER Why am I BEAMING? The HOLYSPIRIT Laser Tagged Me!

LIVE LAUGH LOVE! Be an honest person, always walk uprightly, ALWAYS! Never fall as low as martha jane walters and others.  Or keep lying, Raging, cussing, Conjuring, Blessing blocking, bragging about your Blessing blocking, then preach every Sunday. Then mess around and die UNREPENTANT! Demand somebody, any body to come visit Your UNREPENTANT GRAVE< EVER! First of all, you never , ever had any  reason to be so COMMON, SO FUCKING LONG!  Somebody should have stopped You or KILLED Your Demon Possessed ASS! Or, The HOLYSPIRIT has some use for vermin, INCESTUOUS/PEDOPHILES that murder their own babies and father (perhaps mother, also) . One thing for sure; " Rejection is GOD's Protection!!!" DO NOT MOCK GOD! That is not only good scripture but, "Common Sense". Any of you that still cling to *rump, mjw or empty , Deplorable, Sick, SADISTIC Perverts like those Buzzards, go ahead. One thing about it; "You a lie and the Truth ain't in you." No, I am not ...

Junior Wells - Messin' With The Kid "You can be an empty vacuous imp, if you want to."

Ova' heah BEAMING IN THE BACKFIRE! Just as Country as I wanna be! Why? "Be not envious of the ways of the oppressor." Weather WE ever admit it or not, WE are all struggling with OUR "Oppressors".  An "Oppressor" is someone or something that demands to rule over you. In My case; a filthy, ignorant, fallen wo/man that refused to ever "Get UP'.  That is to "Get UP' legitimately, through hard work, study and practicing true "Christianity".  No, that was not the way of martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux. World, that wo/man, My "BirthER" was going to defeat GOD, destroy The HOLY SPIRIT, at all costs to Your JOY.   Unfortunately for US, that low slut for satan, that demon possessed creep, her joy , was OUR pain. Always!  Worse, not only did the low whore for satan, that white mouth water moccassin , never, NEVER, let on! s/he deliberately sullied GOD's name! Did it on purpose, laughed! Why? World, mar...